This is the time of year where everyone decides to give themselves new year resolutions. They decide to diet, exercise, maybe give up soda or sweets and are really gung-ho about it...for about a month. I don't do resolutions anymore because I was the same way. I would stick by my resolutions for 2 or 3 weeks, then get bored with it.
So instead of making new year's resolutions, I decided to give myself a list of goals for 2010. It's very similar to having resolutions, but goals are measurable and obtainable items. What good is having a resolution to exercise or give up chocolate if you can't measure it and have nothing to show for it? It's no good. That's why they never last. Join me and make a list of goals for your 2010.
Some of my goals will sound silly, but I'm serious about them and I'm going to try to meet them all.
Goals for 2010
- Spend less time on Facebook and Twitter and more time with Ben and Allison
- Spend the first hour after Ben goes to sleep writing.
- Finish writing my book
- Make money off of my writing
- Run a 5K under 30 minutes
- Run a 10K in an hour
- Run a 15K - just finish, without stopping
- Run a half marathon - just finish without stopping
- Learn how to juggle
- Learn how to play Super Mario Bros theme on my keyboard
- Learn how to play Clocks by Coldplay on my keyboard
- Learn how to play NY State of Mind by Billy Joel on my keyboard
- Remain a size 34 for another year
- Create a new blog and post a picture on it everyday in 2010
- Teach Ben to say "Daddy" & "Awesome"
- Do not curse in front of Ben
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