Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Favorites of 2009

I was going to do a photo year in review, but I've seen a bunch of that going around on Facebook, so I decided against it. Instead I'll do a brief review of the good stuff from my life in 2009 and a list of my favorite things. I'm sure I'll leave something & someone apologies. If you see something that should have been on the list, leave a comment.

1) We found out we were pregnant
2) Went to the circus
3)Panda Bear cupcakes for Jack's 2nd Birthday

1) Saw Ben for the first time in the 8 week sonogram
2) Celebrated Valentine's day by taking Allison to see Confessions of a Shopaholic
3) Business trip to NJ - Told the first person that wasn't family that we were expecting
4) Got a new car

1) Saw Ben during the 12 week sonogram. Saw his boy parts for the first time
2) Celebrated our 2 year Wedding Anniversary
2) Registered at BRU for baby stuff

1) I started my blog
2)Purchased and assembled Ben's furniture
3)Went to NY to meet my nephew James for the first time
4) My favorite blog post: Going Green

1)Celebrated Mother's Day with dinner at Cape May Cafe @ Disney's Beach Club Resort.
2) Saw Ben again during the 20 week sonogram.
3)Felt Ben kick for the first time
4)Went on a cruise with Allison's family
5) My favorite blog post: 20 Week Sonogram or Is there a DR in the house

1)Celebrated my 33rd birthday
2)Finished decorating Ben's room
3)Went on vacation to the World Golf Hall of Fame in St. Augustine
4)Michael Jackson died
5)Saw Transformers 2
6)My favorite blog post: Things I'm Looking Forward to

1)Had a visit from my parents and Uncle Carlo
2)Went to see Disney 4th of July fireworks.
3)Found a pediatrician for Ben
4)Saw Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
5)Took a tour of Winnie Palmer Hospital
6)Went on vacation to Ormond Beach. Met Jen (a devoted reader) and her husband Randy
7)Started Birthing Classes
8)My favorite blog post: The Empathy Belly

1)Kristin, Ellen, Stephanie and my mom threw Allison's baby shower.
2)Took a breastfeeding class
3)Work shower at Allison's job
4)Saw GI Joe and had my last night out before being a dad with Mark & Steven
5)Graduated from Birthing Class
6)Celebrated my mom's 60th birthday
7)My favorite blog post:Baby Making Music

1)Saw Ben again during 36 week check up
2)8th anniversary of September 11th
3)Benjamin was born!!! (Same birthday as my father)
4)Ben had his Brit
5)Celebrated Allison's birthday
6)My favorite blog post: The Birth Story

1)My parents and Uncle Carlo came to meet Ben
2)Uncle David (Allison's brother) came to meet Ben
3)I ran a 5k in 30:25
4)Ben's first Halloween
5)My favorite blog post:Bears on my PJs

1)Met up with Vinny & Theresa & their kids
2)Took Ben to Downtown Disney to get his Christmas stocking and first ornament
3)Had my first evening alone with Ben
4)Celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a family
5)My favorite blog post:Super Sunday

1)Game night at Victoria's. Ben met a lot of our friends
2)Ben met Santa!
3)Ben celebrated his first Hanukkah
4)Ben celebrated his first Christmas
5)Ben had his first trip to Friendly's
6)My blog won Best Dad2Be blog from
7)Ran my first 10K. Finished in 1:07:38 (I think)
8)My favorite blog post:Ben's Big Day Out

That was my year at a glance. A lot of other stuff happened, but those are the highlights. Allison got laid off. I think I took a trip to Dallas for a training class, but that might have been 2008. I joined a running group.

OK. Onto my favorites of 2009
Favorite moment of 2009: Ben's birth. Seeing his heartbeat during 8 week sonogram. Seeing his boy parts during 12 week sonogram. Seeing the 4 chambers of his heart during the 20 week sonogram.
Favorite song: Jay-Z & Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind
Favorite CD: Jay-Z - The Blueprint 3 or Black Eyed Peas - The E.N.D.
Favorite movie - Drama: The Blind Side
Favorite movie - Comedy: The Hangover
Favorite move - Action: Transformers 2
Favorite TV Episode: How I Met Your Mother - The Sexless Inn Keeper
Favorite new show: Jersey Shore or Community
Favorite lunch while at work: 5 Guys Cheese Burger + fries
Favorite home cooked meal: A stew Allison made in the crock pot
Favorite homemade Dessert:
Allison's home made ice cream cake for 4th of July
Favorite gadget:
iphone 3GS
Favorite App: HR Battle 3D or Run Keeper
Favorite Website: Facebook or Twitter
Favorite Radio Station: XL106.7
Favorite Ice Cream: Twistee Treat or Friendly's
Favorite Pizza: Winter Garden Pizza
Favorite LOL Moment: Kristin's hand when we played Uno

Come back tomorrow for my 2010 goals.


  1. Totally just LOL'd again at Kristin's Uno moment. It'll never be unfunny. I also found it funny that you couldn't recall if you took a trip in '08 or '09. Must've been a fun one!

  2. Hey, thanks for the "shout out" in July! =) You guys really did have a busy year! Hope 2010 is just as great.
