Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals for 2011

I made a list of goals for 2010 instead of having a new years resolution. It worked out pretty well for me last year, so I thought I'd try it again in 2011. Check out my list of goals in 2011.

Goals for 2011
  1. Spend more time with Ben and Allison.
  2. Finish writing my book.
  3. Make more money off of my writing.
  4. Run 500 miles. (not at once)
  5. Learn how to juggle.
  6. Learn how to play Super Mario Bros theme on my keyboard.
  7. Remain a size 34 pants for another year.
  8. Post a picture everyday in 2011.
  9. Teach Ben to say "Daddy" & "Awesome".
  10. Do not curse in front of Ben.
  11. Get my grandfather's trains and my RC car back into working order.
  12. Work hard everyday. (Like you do the first few months of a new job)
  13. Eat healthier and take care of my stomach.
I feel like there are more things I want to accomplish next year, but I can't remember them. I'll add them as I check things off.

Wish me luck and tell me what some of your goals are.

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