Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today was a good day

Work was work, nothing special. One good thing that happened at work was I was offered tickets to the Orlando Magic game. Unfortunately I couldn't go to the game and I had to pass. That's the second set of tickets I had to pass up this week. I was also offered tickets to Monday Night Football in Jacksonville. I had to pass on those too.

Poor me right? Well I'm glad I didn't go to the game tonight. Tonight was kind of a good night for our family. NO! We're not pregnant!

Ben had a big day. 1) he flipped on a light switch for the first time. 2) He walked for about 45 minutes. 3) Got mad when we took away his nigh-night bear. 4) Got mad when he wanted to go to bed.

He has walked a few times before, but he was very tentative and wobbly with his steps. Tonight he was in the zone. Allison and I sat on either side of the dinning room. He walked back and forth between us for 30 minutes. He laughed and laughed. Unfortunately I can't upload any pix or vids right now, but I will once the website lets me.

I made his bottle and we headed upstairs to put him to bed. He WAS NOT HAPPY. He cried and thrashed for about 5 minutes. He was having fun and didn't want to go to bed. The only thing to make him happy...putting him down so he could walk more. He wouldn't even wait for his pajama bottoms, he had to roam free! (I have vids of this too)

Funny how Allison and my reaction differed. I was proud of him, but nervous because now he can reach more things that are higher & pull them down onto him and he can fall easier & possibly get hurt easier. Allison was proud of him, but sad that her baby boy was growing up.

Well, you know what they say. Men are from Mars, women are crazy. LOL Have a good night.

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