I did write that post, but I turned it into a letter that I will share with Ben. I haven't decided if I will put it in the time capsule or save it for when he has a child of his own, but in any event, it's not getting posted here.
I don't want to leave you completely hanging, so here is a photo-journal of Ben's first year of life. Enjoy.
September 2009 - It's a Boy
This picture was taken 9/15/09 at 4:38 AM. Just 5 minutes after Ben was born.
This picture is from the ripe old age of 10 minutes
October 2009 - 1 Month - Trick or Treat
Ben's 1st Halloween. He didn't get to eat any candy, but he held some and watched The Great Pumpkin.
November 2009 - 2 Months - Gobble Gobble
I love tummy time!
I got my bib and I'm ready for turkey.
Staring contest...don't make me laugh.
December 2009 - 3 Months - Merry Christchanukah
Lunch with Mommy's friends. I love the ladies
Ho Ho Ho

January 2010 - 4 months - Happy New Year

February 2010 - 5 months

March 2010 - 6 months - Play Ball!
A visit to NY and a Spring Training game
Hello ladies!

1st baseball game. Mets @ Braves. True to form, the Mets blew it in the 9th.

April 2010 - 7 Months - Happy Easter
Chillin' poolside. GTL baby

Very excited to host the first playdate.
Stripped down to color Easter eggs.
Look what the Easter Bunny gave me!!!
Hi guys, I stand now.
May 2010 - 8 Months - Happy Mother's Day
Cool, Daddy's hat fits me.
1st trip to the beach.
June 2010 - 9 Months - Happy Father's Day & 1st Disney visit
Whoops, dad forgot to put on the swimmy diaper
Check out my cool ears.
Proof that Ben isn't always smiling.
This should be on a Disney poster.
July 2010 - 10 Months - Happy 4th
Character Dinner to celebrate Mommy's new job.
I love fish!
Swimming in the ocean with Dad.
Yeah...I love the ladies.
Vacationing is AWESOOOME
Hitting Publix
August 2010 - 11 Months - Baby Gates
Helping Dad put up the baby gates.
I'm up to something...
September 2010 - 1 year!!!! Happy Birthday Benjamin!
The Birthday Boy
Check out my new hat.
Does this shirt make me look 1? I don't get it, but mommy says it's funny.
Reading about this very hungry caterpillar at my new desk.
mmmmmmm...Monkey Cake
Hi there!
Hello again.

This picture was taken 9/15/09 at 4:38 AM. Just 5 minutes after Ben was born.
Ben's 1st Halloween. He didn't get to eat any candy, but he held some and watched The Great Pumpkin.
I love tummy time!
Lunch with Mommy's friends. I love the ladies
A visit to NY and a Spring Training game
Chillin' poolside. GTL baby
Cool, Daddy's hat fits me.
Whoops, dad forgot to put on the swimmy diaper
Character Dinner to celebrate Mommy's new job.
Helping Dad put up the baby gates.
The Birthday Boy

Isn't he so cute and lovely baby? You are so lucky to have such a wonderful kid as he is. I love his eyes! Happy birthday B!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I'm a little behind. Happy Birthday Ben!