Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ben's First Haircut

Every time we go out, someone stops us to tell us how cute Ben is. It's one of those things that you never get tired of hearing. I always feel proud after hearing it. I say to myself "yeah, that's right...I made that!"

Anyway...if you've seen Ben in the past month, you know his hair was out of control. Like his dad, he's a hairy little Italian. (He's 1/4 Italian anyway) I need my hair cut every week and a half, although I let it go 2 to 3 weeks now. I'm married with child, who am I trying to impress?

Ben's hair was in his eyes. He looked like the smallest Bieber fan in the world. It drove Allison and I crazy. So we made an appointment to have his hair cut at the barber shop in the Magic Kingdom in Disney World. Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Steven took cousin Jack there for his first haircut and it was pretty awesome. We decided that day that when we had a kid, we'd be back for the first haircut.

For those of you who don't see Ben often, here are some before pix. Cute, yes, but hair is out of control.

I met Allison and my in-laws at Disney World after work. We had an appointment, but like everywhere else when you have an appointment, we still had to wait. When Ben got in the chair, the lady put about 10 Mickey Mouse stickers on him. They distracted him. I wasn't too happy that they went on his skin. I took video of his first haircut. Mommy and Grammy kept Ben happy and Poppy was in charge of still photography. He got a bunch of good shots. Here are a few of the action shots.
All done! Here's the finished product:

How you doin?

And now we have ice cream to celebrate
What a big day for a little boy...he's exhausted.

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