Monday, May 31, 2010

Car seat struggles day 2

The Graco My Ride 65 wasn't gonna work out. They said some movement is OK, but it was too much movement for my liking.

After spending the morning having breakfast and swimming in the pool with The Powells we headed to Babies R Us. Matt helped us. He reminded me of a heavier version of Lee Dewyze. He didn't sing, so I can't tell you if there were any other similarities.

We had to choose between a Britax Roundabout w/cow print or a Evenflow Symphony 65. We went with the Evenflow, but I'm still not sure if we did the right thing. I installed one in my in-laws car in the BRU parking lot. If I didn't like this one or couldn't get it to work, I wasn't driving the 40 minutes across town again.

So the install went well. It rained a little bit. I needed it. It was refreshing. I installed the car seat and when the "level line" was level, I could move the seat. When I installed it tight enough where the seat didn't move at all, the "level line" was off. The seat was too upright.

So what's better, or should I say what's worse? A seat that moves a little bit or a seat that is at the wrong angle?

Also, I'm not sure about the seat itself. Instead of having a harness that feeds through the back of the seat, it has a new "Slide Harness." I'm a little nervous about that. Does it really work? will it work 2 years from now? Ben's safety is on the line...I don't want some fandangled, gimmick harness holding him in. The reviews I've seen have been mostly positive. I'll spend a lot of time the next few days reading more.

Does anyone have any experience with these seats? Let me know what you think.

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