Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

It's been a while since I posted anything. I'm having a hard time getting my schedule in order. When I get home from work I have at most 2 hours with Benjamin before he goes to sleep, usually less. If I go running, I only have 20 minutes with him. He is usually in bed when I get back from my run. I would like to post more, but I'd much rather spend that time with Ben while he's awake. Once he goes to bed, I have to get done all the things I wasn't doing while I was hanging out with him. Which is leaving me with very little time to write.

This week Benjamin started paying attention to things. He's always looked around and seemed curious about things, but now he is now reaching out for the toys on his bouncer and holding his soft farm animal book in his hands. He smiles at me after 30-45 seconds when I get home from work and will follow our faces and his toys from side to side. He also has responded really well to the nickname Capt. Handsome.

Since it's Thanksgiving, it's a good time to post a list of things I'm most thankful for.
  • I'm thankful for Allison and Benjamin for more than I can list here.
  • I'm thankful to Erica the delivery nurse and Dr Thatcher for the excellent job they did during Ben's delivery.
  • I'm thankful to Dr. Snow and his staff for their help while Allison was pregnant.
  • I'm thankful for my family and friends.
  • I'm thankful for the new friends I've made in FL who have quickly become family to me.
  • I'm thankful that I have a job.
  • I'm thankful for my house
  • I'm thankful for the holiday season & Allison's baking
There's a lot more that I'm thankful for, but I don't want to bore you. There will be more posts soon.

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