Allison and I have spent the better part of the 2 weeks since the shower going through all the gifts and setting up the nursery. I think we're done. It looks great, if I do say so myself. We have his diaper bag packed and ready to grab when we go to the hospital. We still need to pack Allison's bag and finish sorting through the hand me down clothes we've gotten. Who knew that would be such a daunting task?
We've already found out how easily baby socks can disappear. After the first wash, 5 socks went missing. It took us 2 days to find the hidden compartment that socks disappear to. If you have a front loader and are missing clothes...make sure to look under the rubber gasket just inside the door. That's where ours went.
Check out some of the pictures. Allison is hidden in one of them, try to spot her.
Here is the glider, crib and monkey rug.

Next up, the monkey lamp.

A piggy bank. Gotta start saving now.

Here is a picture of some of the stuffed animals we have for Baby C already.

The shelves that were put up today. I left spots for some sundae helmets. I think I have some a NY
Mets one and a LI Ducks one in my old room at my mom's house. Until he can choose for himself, he can have those helmets.
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