Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Birthing Class Week 3

Tonight was the 3rd week of our birthing class. We watched a video all about the tools and drugs available to us, well available to Allison. I can ask for drugs, but the nurses are instructed not to grant the request. We saw the needle that would be used if Allison has an epidural, the vacuum that could be used if necessary while Allison pushes Baby C and a few other cool items.

Every class the whole baby thing gets a little more real. There were some uncomfortable moments in the room tonight. All the pros and cons of the aids. There's a drug that is like a narcotic. It will make Allison completely relaxed but she'll still feel some stuff. Bad news, Baby C will also get high. We wont use this one. There are a lot of decisions to make, but we'll see what happens when it gets closer. Allison is open to having an epidural and I guarantee she is up for whatever is safest for Baby C.

After the vids and show & tell, we went to the floor and did some massage techniques. We did the belly rub, head massage, neck & shoulder massage, massage with a pool noodle, another massage tool from Bath & Body Works and a hand massage. It was good. At the end of class, Allison demonstrated the techniques on me. My favorite was the hand massage.

We started up a conversation after class with another couple from Clermont. They are having a girl (I think) and she is due a few weeks after Allison. They seem very nice. It would be good to hit it off with them. I love the friends we have, but i think it would be huge to have someone going through the same thing we are at the same time we are. Also, it could be good for Allison's sanity to have another mom at home on maternity leave to talk with.

Tomorrow night we have a breast feeding class. I'm not sure what to expect. I don't embarrass easily, but I have a feeling tomorrow I will blush more than once. Come back for that write up tomorrow night.

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