We're back! We took Baby C on a cruise to Grand Cayman. All of Allison's side of the family came with. There were 10 of us in total. We celebrated Grandma 80
th Bday, David's 30
th Bday, my 33rd
Bday and Erica's college graduation. It was a 5 day cruise. We were supposed to go to Cozumel, but because of the Swine flu, we were rerouted to Grand Cayman. There were a few clouds, but mostly sun, fun, food and relaxation.

If you like to eat, cruising is for you. Remember that whole losing my tummy thing before Baby C comes along? Well, I think all the work I've done to this point has been lost and then some. I didn't have the heart to measure my stomach today, but I'll do it
tomorrow. I ATE!!! Breakfast was buffet style and I usually filled 3 plates. Same goes for lunch. Then for dinner I would usually have 1 appetizer, 2 entrees and 2 desserts. I love cruising!
We had an inside room but they still gave us a pretend window. It took me until day 3 to stop looking out. Not sure what that was all about.

They take lots of pictures during dinner. I don't mind it when they get there before the food comes. I'm not really doing anything, I'm just waiting around...but when there is food on the table?
C'mon people get those cameras out of here. And the sombrero pix? I don't want a sombrero on my head that has been on a thousand other people. I think I'm becoming a germ-a-
They did group us together for a nice table picture. We weren't going to buy their pictures for $11, so we asked the waiter to take the pic with our camera.

We had a pretty funny
matradee. He called himself Joseph, the supercharged
matradee. Then he would whisper "ladies and
gentlemen, it's a
Papi Hy got into the conga line, but the rest of us didn't. I had to look after you and your mother. That was my story anyway.

The last night, before dinner, the guys got together for a cigar. I won't tell you on here, but when you are older, I'll tell you some of the stories during our smoke. There was a radio station cruising on our ship, Monster 104.1 and they like to party.

Well, I'm already looking forward to the next cruise. I promised Allison (mommy) we would go on a Disney cruise for our 5
th wedding anniversary. As long as you don't have a brother or sister on the way, I think we can still do it. You'll be 2 1/2 years old, so get your snorkel and water wings ready.
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