Monday, May 11, 2009

Hello in there.

Today Allison had an appointment for her 20 week sonogram. It's the last time we'll see Baby C for approximately 20 weeks. I was really hoping he'd put on a show for us...he didn't disappoint.

Grandma Ellen and Poppy Hy came with us to Dr. Snow's office and we went into the sonogram room. There was a lot to do today. They needed to check the heart, arms, legs, boy or girl parts, kidneys, stomach, head size and I'm sure a few other things, but I don't remember what those were.

He was moving around a lot. He seemed like a very hyper kid. Not that there was any doubt that he was mine, but had there been any, this would have eased my suspicions. That's definitely my child in there. My mother will tell you I was a hyper little hellion, ask her to tell you about the time when we still lived in Brooklyn and I climbed the walls and had her looking all around the house for me.

Anyway, the sonogram tech took all the measurements and saw everything she needed to see and said everything was perfect. 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 hands, 4 chambers in his heart. The heart, by the way, was ridiculous! It was crazy to see it today. I'm struggling to find a fitting description for it what I saw today. The best I can come up with right now is, it looked like 4 Venus fly traps opening and closing very rapidly or maybe 4 baby birds beaks opening and closing rapidly. The space shuttle launched today, it's in outer space, it is traveling at 17,500 MPH and that doesn't hold a candle to seeing the heartbeat.

The whole sonogram experience was awesome, but the other standout awesome thing we saw today was Baby C moving around. He was moving his arms and legs. He was rolling over, we saw what looked like a yawn and he tried to suck his thumb. He is 10 inches long inside of Allison and we were able to see all that. I can't wait til he is here and we can touch him and watch him move without using a fancy machine.

Anyway, here are some pix from today's sonogram. For the mother's and the advanced users, here are the pix with descriptions. For those who have trouble seeing, look further down for the Sonogram pix for Dummies section.

Picture 1: This is a profile view of Baby C. Head to the left, and that is his leg to the right.
Picture 2: These are Baby C's legs from below. His feet are crossed and he is chillin in the womb. To the right is his baby booty and right between the legs are his boy parts.
Picture 3: This is a tough one. In the middle you can see his head with his mouth, nose and eyes. Above that he is giving a left handed wave to all his fans and to the right is his body.
Picture 4: This is even harder to see, it's another picture of Baby C's face.
Picture 5: This is another profile view of Baby C. You can see his head and nose pretty well.
Picture 6: This is Baby C's bottom from underneath. You can see his boy parts again.

And now for those who didn't see anything in those pix above.
Picture 1: This is a profile view of Baby C. Head to the left, and that is his leg to the right.
Picture 2: These are Baby C's legs from below. His feet are crossed and he is chillin in the womb. To the right is his baby booty and right between the legs are his boy parts. His bits and pieces. You know his twig & berries, wedding tackle, his meat and two veg, his frank and beans.
Picture 3: This is a tough one. In the middle you can see his head with his mouth, nose and eyes. Above that he is giving a left handed wave to all his fans and to the right is his body.

Picture 4: This is even harder to see, it's another picture of Baby C's face.
Picture 5: This is another profile view of Baby C. you can see his head and nose pretty well.
Picture 6: This is Baby C's bottom from underneath. You can see his boy parts again.


  1. sonograms always make me think I was watching an Alien's sequel.

  2. Wow - you guys got some great pics!! Glad everything went well!
