Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm Back Baby!

I know I've said it before, but this time I mean it. I started this blog in April 2009. I averaged 11 posts a month. Pretty good. Not too many that I'm annoying to readers, but enough to keep them coming back.

Do you know what my monthly average is for 2010? It's less than 5!! Less than 5! Are you kidding me? Basically what that says to me is something of worth only happens about once a week. That's ridiculous. I can post daily about the things Ben does or my thoughts about raising him. I have just been lazy and preoccupied with other stuff. Well not anymore. The quality of my writing has suffered and I think I'm down to 2 readers. (My father-in-law and Twistedxtian.) I appreciate you guys, thanks for reading, but I'd like to be able to count my readers on 2 hands (and hopefully someday soon on my feet.)

Even if nobody reads my blog, there are some things I just need to document so I can look back when my memories are replaced with new ones. Ben changes fast. Everything he does amazes me and every time he does something new it gets cuter and cuter.

For a while there I was getting paid to do some ghost writing, but that has slowed down a bit. No excuse there. I was watching the Devils and the Magic in the playoffs. They are both out now. No Excuse there. The Mets...well, do I even need to go further than just saying The Mets? No excuse there. With the exception of SYTYCD, most of my TV shows are off for the summer. No excuse there. I'm gonna write more, no excuses.

I'm an award winning blogger! I need to show it. If I'm going to turn the pre-Ben blog into a book one day, I need to write. I need to grow my followers back to the level they used to be and keep them by keeping them entertained. Sounds easy right?

With the help of the blog contest on and the help of Twitter I've found tons of other dad blogs and parent blogs. Some I like, some I love and some I can't stand. If they can write everyday or 3 times a week, so can I.

Sorry about the rant. Sometimes I just need to complain and publicly call myself out. So stay tuned for Ben related blog posts.


  1. I'm still a reader! Just a quiet one. Sorry!

  2. Hey Victoria. I know you still read it and there are a few others I know that read it. I was having a pity-party kind of day. Sorry, Didn't mean to give you guff about it.
