Wednesday, April 28, 2010

MOM - A Definition

Tonight Allison came up with a fun saying. She said "MOM means Master Of Multitasking."
It's very true. I've seen her carry the baby, while eating dinner, talking on the phone, typing on the computer and paying bills. and that's on a bad day.

I came up with some other definitions for MOM. I'm sure she'll love them.
MOM - Maker of Mandel Bread
MOM - Memory of Magic - really, she remembers everything. She's the David Copperfield or remembering.
MOM - Maker of Misery -Seriously...if Mom's not happy, nobodys happy.
MOM - Maker of Mandel Bread - For real...make some more Mandel Bread. It's really good stuff.
MOM - Manager of Money - Pssst Can I borrow a dollar? What do you mean what am I gonna spend it on?
MOM - Murderer of My fun - Just kidding....mostly
MOM - Move Over More - You know because she takes up her side of the bed and also most of mine too. ;)
MOM - Maddening Old Maid - but I love her anyway.

Well this idea was much better in my head. I don't know if it translated well to the blog. Maybe I should have saved it for Mother's day. Oh Well. Feel free to comment on mine and add your own.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To Run or Not to Run

Once again it's been about 2 weeks since my last post. An update on Ben, he is doing great. He's started to do an army crawl. He's getting pretty quick. It's hilarious when he sees something across the room that he wants. He will climb over anything in his way (monster truck style) instead of moving it or going around it. He is eating veggies. He likes carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, pears and a few others. On the unsure list: Cauliflower.

Anyway, between work, Ben and running I just don't have the time to post like I used to. That brings me to the point of this post. To run or not to run?

Many of you know I have been in a running group for the last 7 months. When I started I could barely run a mile, now I have run a 5K (3.1 miles) in 27:45 and I've finished a 12K (7.46 miles) in 1:21:17. I haven't gotten thinner by running all these miles, but it's kept me from becoming a fat ass.

I've also made a few good friends from the group. How do I know they are good friends? Well, we're friends on Facebook now. ;) I run with a good group of people. Seriously I think I've made 5-7 good friends from running. It's hard making new friends as an adult with a child. So it's a great thing.

Those are the pros. The cons:
  • Running group starts at 6:00. I get there around 6:15/6:20. Training starts without me, so I am missing out on part of it. And it's about to get HOT out there. I'm not good in the heat.
  • On normal nights I get to see Ben from about 5:30 - 8:00. 2.5 hours out of my day is not a lot of time to spend with my son.
  • On running nights (2 nights during the week) I get home, give Ben a kiss, change, have a snack, give Ben another kiss and go running. I get home around 7:30 or so. Which is when Ben starts his nighttime routine. Bath, bottle, bed. So on running nights, I see him for about 30-45 minutes. That sucks.
  • It's getting harder and harder to go to running every week. Especially now that Ben is crawling and being more interactive. I just want to stay home and play with him. Look at the fun I'd be missing out on:

So what do I do? Miss out on hanging out with Ben twice a week to go running? Maybe I miss his first steps or words or the first time he throws a ball, but I stay in shape. Or skip running to hang out with Ben? Maybe I get fat. Maybe I miss out on making new friends and hanging out with the friends I have there, but I spend more time with Ben.

What to do...what to do......

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ben Crawling

Well Ben is almost crawling. I'm not really in the mood to write, sorry. Here are some videos.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day Revisited

I know I still haven't finished our NY Vacation review or Easter, but I had to get this post out of my head. It's been rattling around there for almost a month.

I think I'm a 1/4 Irish. Well, that's what I tell evereyone I am, so let's go with that. That makes Ben 1/8 Irish. On St. Patrick's Day, he got to enjoy the smell of sauerkraut having sex with a dirty diaper on a garbage barge. Yes, that's what I think Cornedbeef and Cabbage smells like. I love the cornedbeef, but ugh, I think cabbage is the most disgusting thing in all the land.

I got to thinking, what other Irish delights does Ben have to look forward to? Here is my short list:
  1. Michael Flatley , Lord of the Dance - His backup dancers are pretty hot too. The first girl I remember having a crush on in was in the 2nd grade in Brooklyn. Her name was Melissa Rutledge. She took Irish dancing. That doesn't add much to the post, but I thought I would add it in here anyway.
  2. Lucky Charms cereal - They're magically delicious.
  3. Conan O'Brien - The guy is a genius. I've watched him since 94 and I think he's partly responsible for my crazy sense of humor.

But the most important and exciting thing about being Irish and St. Patrick's Day is the Irish music. I'm not talking about songs like Danny Boy or When Irish Eye are Smiling. I'm talking about the best Irish song of all time....

That's right my friends...Jump Around by House of Pain!

Monday, April 5, 2010

NY Vacation - Day 4

Day 4 was another busy day and another late night.
We had some family come over for brunch, then at night we had a wedding to go to.
It was great to see my family and spend time with my niece and nephew. Next time we go to NY I'll have another niece and Ben will have another cousin. He had a great time playing with his current cousins.
and Aunt
and Grandma
and Papa

Looking forward to the next visit. Probably around Christmas time.

After brunch, we got ready for the wedding. I don't have any pictures, so you'll have to take my word that we looked good. We left Ben with Grandma and Papa to feed, change and put to bed. We weren't worried and everything Ben got to bed without a hitch.

The wedding was at FlowerField in St. James. If you know me, you know I like to eat. Well I must admit that I met my match. I ate so much food that I had to stop eating. If you are ever invited to a wedding there, go! According to the sister of the bride, the bride and groom love to eat too.

The bride and groom are friends I met while working at Babies R Us. It was a Puerto Rican Wedding. There was a lot of Latin food & music. Here's a helpful hint for you. If you ever go to a Puerto Rican /Latin wedding, take dance lessons. I've never felt whiter or felt that I had less rhythm than I did at this wedding. Add to the fact that I wasn't drinking, and that's a lot of still moves. I looked like Frankenstein out there.

The people at our table were commenting on how good the DJ was. We agreed, then told them about our wedding, how we flew the DJ into Disney from NY. Come to find out our DJ was doing this wedding! There was an MC, so we didn't notice him until late in the night.

When I say late in the night, I mean late in the night. It was about 11:45PM when we noticed him. We stayed until about 12:30 - 12:40, but then we had to go. They were still going strong.

If you don't know, I can't tell you whose wedding it was, but I can tell you to check out the music of Bridgette Angelique. She put on an excellent performance at the wedding of My Whole Life Has Changed - w/Genuwine

Sunday, April 4, 2010

NY Vacation - Day 3

So day 3, it's Saturday. Ben woke up again at 5:20 and stayed up for another hour. I hope he doesn't keep this habit up when we go home (FYI: he stopped doing this when we got home.)

Saturday morning, at mom's house. Perfect for watching cartoons on the couch and flashbacks of screaming real loud whenever anyone says the secret word, right? Well it is perfect for that, but I had to go to work.

I drove to the new Garden City office. I was almost to the office after a fun drive on the Southern State listening to Z100 morning show re-runs, when I realized I forgot to bring a screwdriver. Off to Wal-Mart at 8:AM to buy one. The Wal-Mart in Garden City wasn't ghetto, or maybe Ghetto doesn't wake up at 8:AM. either way. In and out, unscathed. Got to work. 15 minutes, done. A fun drive home.

I got to relax for 15 - 20 minutes then we left to meet up with Allison's friend Jessica out east. I think I've only met her at her wedding, but she seemed nice. Her husband sang a song to her at the wedding. It was pretty cool. I don't remember the song, just that it was a country song about a cowboy. Anyway, we got all the way out east and pull up to the house. There is a big truck with a car seat in the driveway. Oh good, they're home. We get out, ring the bell and wait. Knock on the door and wait some more. Ring the bell again and wait some more. Now I'm getting cold and pissed. I tell Allison to call her friend. She does, no answer. So I take Ben and say I'm waiting in the car. I forgot to mention it was cold as hell. It was high 30s or low 40s.

Allison walks to meet me in the car and notices the front license plate has an Islanders frame around it. She says "That's not their car, they hate the Islanders. We're at the wrong house!" SERENITY NOW!!!!!

We get to the right house and bada-bing, they open the door right away. It was fun hanging out with Josh and Jessica. Lots of conversations about babies, making friends with other parents and sports. Jessica's niece was watching the original Alice in Wonderland. What a strange movie that is. We had pizza for lunch, then it was time to go to the next stop.

Not too much further to Rene's house. Rene is a former co-worker of ours. I started working with her at Maharam while she was pregnant. We went for pizza and Italian ices at least twice a week and I put on a good 10 pounds. It was awesome.

Her kids are beautiful and Ben had a great time playing with them once he took a nap. One of the best moments of the trip was when Rene served us dessert. Chocolate chip cookies and brownies! Yeah baby. I hadn't had chocolate in over a month. So the 2 cookies and 1 brownie I had was like swirling a little bit of heaven around in my mouth. Her oldest daughter is really quite funny. I helped her rearrange her stuffed animals based on weather the Easter Bunny would like them or not. Then I helped her draw a picture of the Easter Bunny. Allison commented on what a good picture it was. She replied "What are you kidding me? His egg looks like a toaster oven!" LOL that's hilarious.

We left there after what seemed like 15 minutes, but it was closer to 3 hours and headed straight back to Islip to meet Linda and Ryan at Maxwell's. I remember this place as Hutley's and I remember it being dark and dreary. I was pleasantly surprised to see it nicely redone. (or maybe I just remembered it wrong) Either way, it was good to see them. They are expecting their first child and it was fun talking pregnancy stuff with them. They aren't going to find out the sex of the baby, so we had to get them a unisex gift. A stuffed Baby Pluto was the gift. I hope the baby likes it. I think they are going to have a boy. The old wive's tale says if your body and face changes, it's a girl, because girls are a real pain in the tuckus (hey, I didn't make up the wive's tale) and she looked exactly the same as I remember her. If you saw her sitting at a table, and her tummy was hidden, you would never know.

Ben had missed bedtime again, but he took a nap at the restaurant. We got him home, fed and in bed by a little after 9. He's a little trooper.

You think the night is over right? It's after 9, it's time for bed. Well not tonight. At dinner Friday night, Vinny invited us over to watch the UFC fight. I think it was UFC 2185, something like that. We left the house around 9:40 PM. No, that is not a typo, we actually went out after 9:30 for a fight that started at 10!

The fights were good, but I enjoyed the company more. Tim's new GF came with him. When I say Tim's new GF, I mean Tim's old GF. Not old as in a cougar, I mean old as in they dated back in 1997. WOW! Is my rental car Jetta a time machine? I didn't hit 88 MPH. HMMMM. It was cool to see them together again. I always liked her. She used to give me excellent advice about girls that I would always ignore. They look good together. I wish them luck.

The fights are very addicting. There is another fight this month. I probably wont buy it from PPV, but if anyone else gets the fight and wants company watching it...give me a call.

Day 4 coming up tomorrow. Danny & Bridgette's wedding.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I'm a Bad Dad :(

I'm a bad dad and not in the good way like when Run-DMC says it. It seems like once a month I do something boneheaded and earn my bad dad of the month award. I got it out of the way early for April.

I got my Netflix Wii disc. I was very excited to test it out, so I let Ben jump in his bouncer while I played with the Wii. I updated the software and then looked for a movie to watch. I figured I'd put on a kids movie so Ben could enjoy it too.

I landed on Monsters Inc. It's a cute movie. Boo is a cute girl and Ben likes the ladies. Perfect right? Not exactly. So the opening credits come on and Ben is happy. He's facing the TV, jumping around in his jumper, smiling and screeching with delight. I still needed to take Molly potty from getting home from work, so I left Ben to enjoy the movie for a few minutes.

Take a look at what he saw. Pay close attention between 2:25 - 5:00.

When I came back to him, he was crying and trying to climb out of his jumper. I calmed him down but forgot to turn the movie more monsters and more crying. I turned it off, calmed him down again, then put on Follow that Bird. It was a much better choice. In case you are wondering, when it comes to 6 month olds, Sesame Street > Monsters Inc. Sorry buddy. Now I know for next time.