Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I WON. 2009 Dad2Be Champion of the World.

Thanks to all of you who voted for me, for telling your friends to vote for me and for putting up with 2 weeks of my asking you to vote for me. It paid off. I won Pregnancy Corner's Dad2Be Blog contest.

The prize was a $50 Baby Gap gift card and bragging rights. I can now say "I think I know what I'm talking about. After all, I am an award winning blogger!" How many times do you think I can say that before Allison smacks me? I'm thinking 3...I'll use them wisely.

The 2nd place winner was Shane, a guy from Canada. He went by the name CalgaryDaddy . On Twitter I tried to use patriotism to win some votes. I said things like "USA #1 - Vote for Anthony" and "Vote American" Silly stuff like that. I don't think that had anything to do with the win, but I thought it was pretty funny. To celebrate let's all sing along to the following:

Luckily the contest ended before I got into Rocky 4 references. The 3rd place winner was Kenny at Kenny had a very funny post about a delivery scare. It reminded me a lot of our delivery night. Check out both of their blogs if you have the time.

The voting ended at 1PM Eastern today. I had multiple people ask their friends to vote for my blog. The list includes My father-in-law, mother, sister and a few past and current co-workers. I picked up a lot of readers during the contest. I hit a record high for both visits and page views. I was very excited about that.

I started keeping track of the voting closely around 11:30 today. There was nothing I could do. I was out of people to ask to vote for me, but I wanted to see how the voting was going. The closer it got to 1:00 the more I started hearing the Mortal Kombat theme and the words "Finish Him" I guess that's just the competitive part of me.

The winners in the other categories were Mom2Be Blogger - Natalie and Adoptive Mom2Be Blogger - Jackie

OK, you can tell I'm pretty excited, but back to regular blogging. Tonight is the 5th night of Hanukkah. Allison's Aunt Donna and Cousin Erica are in town. We are having a great time and eating a ton of food. They enjoyed meeting Benjamin for the first time. They said how cute and well behaved he was and they love his eye lashes.

On the 3rd night on Hanukkah we went to Allison's parents house. We exchanged gifts and they gave me some items to put in the time capsule along with a 5 page letter. It was quite an emotional night. I'm already looking forward to opening up the time capsule on Ben's 18th birthday, but I know better than to wish his life away. I hear he will grow up really fast and I plan to enjoy each stage for as long as I can.

He's already grown out of the newborn stage. He doesn't look like a little boy yet, but he doesn't have that newborn look anymore. He looks like a baby now. I guess you can say an infant, but if you catch him at the right angle in the right outfit, he looks old...he could pass for 1 . (LOL, what's wrong with me?)

The girls took Benjamin to Downtown Disney today and they just got home so I need to finish this up. Thanks again for the support and keep reading.


  1. Congrats again on your win! I have to admit, the Lee Greenwood song and Mortal Kombat clips made me snicker. I felt that little competitive bug about a week ago when the race between me and one of the other girls was REALLY close. I remember checking my progress obsessively and looking at my husband wide-eyed and crazy saying things like, "I'M IN THE LEAD." or "I'M 2 VOTES BEHIND." and he's say, "That's great, hon."

    Blogging does strange things to people sometimes.

    Anyway. Congrats again! I'm following your blog now - looking forward to reading!

  2. Congratulations Anthony. It was close until the last few hours! I laughed at the Canadian thing...but we all know that our friends south of the border are envious of our civil society. ( You know, gun free and Universal Health Care!) But, some days...I would trade it all for the Florida Sun in January! :)


  3. @KP - Thanks. I am catching up on your blog too.

    @Shane - Good game man. FL in the winter is crazy. This week it was 85 on Tuesday and we'll be in the high 30s Saturday night. Having said that, I would never trade it for Canada temps, but maybe for the hockey.
