Monday, November 9, 2009

Super Sunday

Yesterday was a good day. A super day you could say. It started early, Molly woke me up to go potty at 5:30. 5:30 on my day off. Thanks Molly. I guess that is payback for forgetting to feed her until 9:30PM the other night. Now we're even.

Next I went to my running group. Our running coach Sara, who based on her running times I think is a fembot, was away in Vegas so we were on our own. We decided take advantage and run at 7AM instead of 6. We were supposed to run for 75 minutes. I only did 73 minutes. But that's a good thing, it means I was 2 minutes faster on the way back. I did 6 miles. It was great. I was very proud of myself, Kim and Patti (my running buddies)

When I got home Benjamin was just waking up. Allison and I watched him in his crib for a while. We made him smile a lot. I turned on the mobile, he stared at it and smiled. He followed the monkey, the parrot and the monkey all around. I said "Screw football, I can watch this all day" I only said it because the Jets had a bye, but still, it was really fun to watch. I wonder if it was someone elses kid if it would be as awesome?
I also had some time to read Benjamin a book. I haven't read him anything in a while, so he got 2 books. Up first, my favorite book as a kid, The Monster at the end of this Book. It may not have been the best book to read him to get him to fall asleep, but I really enjoyed it.
The second book was Corduroy. I had never read it before. Actually I had never even heard of it before. It's a good book. I won't tell you what happens, but it's about a bear named Corduroy who lives in a toy store.

That's all I have for now. It was a fun day until I got tired. 6 miles makes me tired and really cranky.


  1. Oh my goodness! I remember "The Monster at the End of this Book" from when I was a kid. I <3 Grover.

  2. Corduroy was a crowd pleaser at our house growing up. Good to see the classics are still alive and well.

  3. @Victoria - I maybe should have controlled the volume of my voice when reading the "YOU TURNED THE PAGE" page. not a bedtime book, but solid gold when he gets older. I have the sequel too with Grover and Elmo, but haven't read it yet. i want Ben to understand the first one so he isn't lost in the second one. :)

    @Scott - we got Corduroy and Where the Wild things Are at a work baby shower. I had never read either. they are both good reads.
