Sunday, July 12, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Yes, I'm a grown man. 33 yrs old,but I love the Harry Potter books and movies. I didn't read the first 2 books, but have read the rest of them. Each read took about 2 days. I am very excited to see this movie. The last one "Order of the Phoenix" was boring, but "Half-Blood Prince" should have a lot of action. In the book, there is a battle at Hogwarts, a very significant death and some action in a cave. Hope they do those scenes right.

I want Baby C to read these books, but seeing as how he isn't born yet, I'll have to wait a few more years before that happens.

To kill some time until he is old enough to read them or until the movie starts on Wednesday, I put together a list of my favorite TV/movie witches. I hope you guys enjoy these lists. I love doing them. Allison....not a big fan. Either way, here it comes, in random order.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker - Sarah Sanderson - Hocus Pocus - "Amuck, amuck, amuck.."
  • Michelle Pfeiffer - Witches of Eastwick - I don't remember much about this movie except that it had Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer.
  • Samantha - Bewitched - I wasn't crazy about Nicole Kidman, I think I've only ever liked her in Moulin Rouge and Days of Thunder. So Cartoon Samantha it is.
  • Another cartoon witch, from The Little Mermaid - Ursala - When she became human and used Ariel's voice. What can I say, I have a thing for brunettes.
  • Alyssa Milano & Rose McGowen - Charmed
  • Sabrina the teenage witch & Aunt Zelda (purple)- yes, Aunt Zelda is a little old for me, but cougars are in style now.
  • The girls from The Craft - Robin Tunney made a big comeback for me in Empire Records when she shaved her head. Fairuza Balk, played a witch in Worst Witch and this movie too.
  • Finally Hermine Granger. She makes the list twice. Once from the real Harry Potter movies.
  • And also when Lindsay Lohan played her on SNL. This was a hilarious episode by the way. During the Debbie Downer skit the whole cast lost it and laughed. The Horracio was great as Hagrid in the Harry Potter skit. watch it if you can.
Well, have a good evening, can't wait to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I am re-reading the book again so I'm fresh when I see the movie. If anyone has any suggestions to get Baby C to read the books let me know. I was thinking of just leaving them at eye level and telling him, whatever you do...don't read these books! I think that will work. It would have worked for me, but more about the crazy things I did as a kid at another time.

Found the skit without commercials. check it out.


  1. When I said favorite witch, you probaby can guess that I meant my favorite looking witch. I'd love to add Angela Lansbury from Bedknobs and Broomsticks, one of my favorite movies growing up. She was an awesome witch, but failed the criteria. Gilda the good witch was a good witch too

  2. Attention chickipedia stole my idea. they did top 15 magical babes. my list is better!
