Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baby C's nursery - Going Green

No, this is not a post about Earth Day, but congrats Earth on lasting another year. Good job buddy. This post is about Baby C's nursery. We had our house painted May 2008, so we chose bright green and pale powder blue for the rooms that would one day belong to our kids. Kid #1 is going green.

We browsed around the stores up and down 436 and of course Babies R Us. At the end of the day(s) we decided Babies R Us was the way to go. We found 15% off coupons (I bought them on Ebay) and opened a credit card to get an extra 10% off. We ended up saving a lot of money.

I met up with my neighbor Mark V at Babies R Us who was nice enough to volunteer his truck to get the furniture back home. We loaded it up, carried it upstairs and after a few "that's what she said jokes" Uncle Mark and I were done with Phase 1. Allison and Kristin made a great dinner then it was time to put the stuff together.

First up, the glider. Piece of cake. This went together in about 15 minutes. The only problem, the cushions were so light and fluffy, they kept floating away (like in the new 3 Musketeers commercials) Luckily Allison volunteered to help solve that problem.

Next up, the crib. A few more parts, a little more complicated, but still no problem. Went together in 25-30 minutes. No problems with the crib floating away, but I decided to throw some stuffed animals in there anyway.
The chest of drawers was next. This was the easiest piece to put together. It was already together, I just had to add the drawer handles. I could do that all day. Again, it wouldn't be complete without a stuffed animal on top.
This is going great! Why do people complain about putting baby furniture together? I don't get it, this is a breeze. Then the changing table. Damn you changing table! This thing had parts that looked almost exactly the same, but with slight differences. They weren't labeled, there were no measurements, it was just a mish-mash of parts. Check out the directions...a special shout-out to the good fellows in Indonesia for these bad boys. Step 1, take all the pieces out and put them all together. Really? Step 1, put the whole thing together? Really? Why bother with directions at all? Just enclose a picture or even better, just a little man giving the bird with LOL below it.
Well I'm glad I got that out of my system. Here is the final product. I still have to touch it up, but I needed a break.
Is that all? No theres more- you see when the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even, well the 64 Skylark had a solild rear axle, so when the left tire would go up on the curb, the right would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didnt happen here, the tire marks stayed flat and even- this car had an independednt rear suspension. Now, in the 60s- there were only 2 other cars made in America that had positraction and enough power to make these marks. One- was the Corvette, which could never be confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same body length, height, width, weight, real base and real track as the Buick Skylark, and that was the 1963 Pontiac Temptus.
Sorry, I sometimes get off topic. I'm back now. The last thing we've done to the nursery is add a ceiling fan. I think it's one of the coolest fans ever. Check out the jungle blades.

Ok, that's all for tonight.